Monday, September 10, 2012

AHH!! Back to school is here!!!

    Hey there!
Today was the first day of our homeschool co-op. I gotta admit, this is the first year I have been absolutely dreading about going back to school. When I was little, I was so excited! New notebooks, planners, occasionally a back-to-school outfit... Later it was I'm enjoying summer, but it will be nice to get back into the routine of school, and seeing my friends will be fun... Now it's PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME GO!! I'M ENJOYING SUMMER TOO MUCH AND I DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH THE WORKLOAD OR ANYTHING ELSE!!!!
    This year is going to be hard. I know it. Science, math, and writing have never been my things, and I have to do algebra 2/geometry, biology, and a really hard writing class where we start writing literary analysis papers the second week of classes!! And we only meet once a week! Also piano is harder too. Or at least longer. This year lessons are 45 minutes long.
    This might sound kind of pathetic, but does anybody else get more excited about the first day of school once you pick out your outfit?? I do. I had my outfit planned a week in advance, and I even had a backup in case the weather decided to turn against me. (I ended up having to wear it too)
    This is going to be a hard year for me! Big workload, longer classes, and this is the first year where  it's only me at home. :o It's strange here now. And quieter. So I would really appreciate it if you'd continue to pray for me. Pray for this new school year, and also for my family and I as we get used to not having my sister in the house. Also please pray that this year I would really shine as a light for the LORD, and that I would be more willing to share the good news of the Gospel. :)
    Thanks so much, and enjoy your week!!

    Grace <3


  1. Hey Grace! I know exactly how you're feeling... I'm doubling in math (geometry & algebra II) :P AND, my piano lessons are longer too! Whaddaya know? we're like the same person... only not. ~Sarah <3

  2. Lol, I miss you!! I hope your going to youth group tonight, because mom and dad r going to be in town so I have a ride!! :D
