Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Great Commission

Hey everyone!
I know I haven't posted in forever- school and such has gotten in the way. Anyway, I just wanted to share a few little things with you.
Two weeks ago I had the privilege of going on a missions trip to Lakeside Christian Camp in Massachusetts. It was so much fun, and we got so much accomplished!! One of the days was set aside for evangelism. Not everyone went, but the kids who professed faith were expected to. So I will admit, I was pretty nervous, but I didn't really have a choice whether I went or not. :) It turned out we were street evangelizing. We were helping out a local church that went out street evangelizing every Thursday. The area was kind of redneck and rough, but very friendly. (Made me feel at home) I really thought that no one would take our pamphlets, or willingly stand there and listen to us, but I pleasantly surprised that many people not only took the pamphlets, but said they would check out the church!
It now amazes me how much I doubted God's power. Did I really think that He couldn't make those people interested in the gospel? What an untrusting person I am. How can I trust all my friends and family, when I can't even trust God, the only one that can really guarantee anything?
The other thing that amazed me is my unwillingness to speak up. I was in a group with four other people. I was the only person who didn't say anything. Actually, I said two things. "Have a nice day!" and "Bye!" That's it. I am not sure if unwillingness is the right word. I really wanted to speak, but I couldn't. I couldn't make myself open my mouth to talk to these strangers. Halfway through the day I realized that I couldn't make myself talk. Only God could do that. I prayed and asked God to take control of my hands and my mouth. I still didn't say anything. It taught me an important lesson though. One run in with a stranger might be their only chance to hear the gospel, and I don't want to blow that. I don't want to be the one that cowers in the corner because she's too afraid to talk to strangers. I want to be a part of the Great Commission.
Please pray for me as I struggle with this realization. I know it's not right to keep my mouth shut about God's word. I want to do His will, and spread his word without shame.
Thank you all!

Grace <3