Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Please Pray!!

      Hey!! So this Saturday we leave to take my sister to college. She's going to a Christian University 100 miles away. I'm really excited for her, and I'm glad she's found a college she likes so much, but I'm so sad. This is the girl that's been my best friend for the last fifteen years. Basically her leaving means that our childhood together is over. The next few years will be so strange, especially since we were homeschooled. We are both going to have to find the new normal. So please pray for both of us! Pray that my sister will have a good time in college, and learn a lot, and also pray that my family and I would be able to cope with not having her here during the school year. Please pray that throughout all of this, we will all grow closer to God, and that we would all remember that God knows best, and He does everything for a reason. Thank you!

   Grace <3


  1. Grace, I will definitely be praying. I love that picture of you two :D
    ~Sarah <3

  2. Aww, sisters going off to college!
    :( I've gone through it twice. I will most definitely be praying. I also adore that photo. You are just so adorable, Grace! ♥


  3. I will be praying! I'm sure that will be really hard at first! God bless u, girl! thanks for commenting on my blog!

    1. Thanks for the prayers! And you're welcome! Thanks for commenting on mine!! :)

  4. Hey, I awarded you at my blog! :)

  5. Hey Grace! Just wanted to let you know that I awarded you! =)
