Friday, October 12, 2012


Snow? Snowww!!!! Yes, the first snow has come and gone. Well, most people wouldn't call it an official "snow". More like a couple little snowflakes that melted as soon as they hit earth.
It snowed up on the mountains last Monday, so usually that means we'll have snow in six weeks. Because it snowed I couldn't help it. I just HAD to play Christmas music. So with much eye rolling from Mom, I popped in a Perry Como CD. :) Nothin' so good as the Christmas classics.
Before I end this rather short post, I have to tell you what Mom said today. We are obviously all thinking about the upcoming winter at the moment, because when I put in my favorite mix CD today, and Taylor Swift poured out her soul in "We are never ever getting back together", Mom declared, "If I ever move down south, I'm going to sing this to my snow shovel!" :) I think maybe after living here for twenty-six years she's getting just a little tired of snow shoveling. LOL Thanks Jesus for giving us a neighbor who's often willing to snow-blow our driveway!!!


  1. Snow? The lows for Florida are in the mid 70's! You are so lucky to have snow. :)

    1. LOL, I don't know... I forgot how cold it was this morning, and went to get the mail barefoot, and my toes were white when I got inside. haha, I had to stand next to the pellet stove for like ten minutes!! :D

  2. We got our first snow that came and melted the beginning of this month and yesterday and today we got snow two that has stuck a little bit.
    Haha! That's sooo hilarious what your mom said! =)
