Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Electronics Galore!!

    I know this is a short post, but I had to paint you a picture of what our living room looks like right now! Every person in the house at the moment is completely involved in at least one electronic. My Dad is on his Facebook, while on the phone with his brother. Mom is working on her laptop. Nana is playing Words with Friends. My sister is texting on her ipod, and I have two things going. I am on my computer, blogging, and talking to Jeffery. (The tech support guy on Apple.com who is not speaking english. I think he is speaking geekish, because even though I told him I was only fifteen, he's still speaking in words I CANNOT understand.) I am also on my ipod touch, charging it up, and playing Tap Tap Revenge.
    Just thought that was funny! Enjoy your day!

  Grace <3


  1. Tap Tap!!! Guuurl you rock! :D Anyway, that's totally awesome and your family is nothing like mine! :P Mainly because we don't have enough electronics for that! My parents aren't very techie. ;)


    1. Lol thanks!! Yeah, my family didn't used to be so techie, but when my sister got a Facebook, and my mom started using the computer for her job, we all kinda got pulled in!! :D

  2. I like your blog Grace!! I'm Claire from over at Grace Abounds. Feel free to check it out and follow here: clairegruver.com

    if you are ever interested in doing a guest post, feel free to email me at claire@uspowerco.com

    1. Oh, thanks so much! That sounds like fun! I've never done a guest post before though.
