Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Fishtail Braid

     I love to do things with my hair. I have long hair that reaches the middle of my back. It's straight, blonde, thin, and really slippery. It's hard to find hairstyles that actually stay in the entire day, but, I have found one braid that works really well for my hair, and I've noticed it works in almost everyone's! I have gotten lots of compliments on it, and it looks rather complicated, but it's actually really easy once you know what you're doing. So, here it is, the fishtail braid. My friend and I made this tutorial together, and I hope you like it!

Grace <3

P.S. Sorry for the creepy moving hockey stick in the background- that was my friend's brother. :)


  1. I should try this with my hair!

  2. I Love your video's! my mom did this in my hair once! <3

  3. Wow.. that is lovely! :) I have always wanted to learn how to do it. Now hopefully I can. ;)

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